I am Marion Böheim, DESIGNER and art director for print, social media and digital, working on a broad spectrum of local and global clients.

Focus on branding, design and digital marketing strategy. to make brands and messages visible and tangible.

selected list of CLIENTS
Sargfabrik, ESTES, Schloss Halbturn, Koenigsegg, metform, SPUSU, MEDICAL BEAUTY

employed Art director and GraPHic designer at different agencies such as: VIRTUE VIENNA (Heineken, Desperados beer, Alfa Romeo, Römerquelle), LOWE GGK (Almdudler, Generali), DEMNER, MELICEK & BERGMANN (media markt CH, mömax, VOlksbank, Master Card), Bluetango (Pfanner, St. Martins thermE und lodge, Siemens), reichl und partner (marionnaud).
before Study of graphic design and advertising at the UNIVERSITIY OF APPLIED ARTS VIENNA. Study of graphic design at the HOGESCHOOL VOOR DE KUNSTEN UTRECHT in the Netherlands.